life in the ghetto...

tirsdag den 8. maj 2007

Billeder af selv

Selvportrætter er en sjov ting. Sara og jeg gør det.

Valde gør det (men han er for sløv til at sende et billede), mens andre af vores venner ligger deres på nettet.

Det kan man så sige noget klogt om. Alternativt kan man lade andre gøre det. Her er et par citater fra en artikel af Lyle Rexer:
...photographers, rather than putting themselves directly in front of their own lens, feel a need to deflect their image, or refract it, turning what might be a rather straightforward examination of their appearance or an exercise in narcissism into an act of evasion, a Borgesian game of ontological hide-and-seek...

... Most of the ones with mirrors strike me as psychological statements, laying bare the photographer’s own ambivalence regarding the possibilities of self-representation. Or they are examples of a kind of coy distancing, a refusal of availability. In examples where equipment is prominent, the image reinforces either a sense of professional competence or an association with hobby.

Ovenstående citater beskriver jo meget godt de to (helt tilfældige) billeder, som Sara og jeg har lagt her.
Find hele artiklen her og endnu en af Brian Ulrich her.

1 kommentar:

Tully sagde ...

what does this first part say with the links to me tonje and hanne?